Yeti Technologies

Yeti Technologies Launches Free Master Class on App Design & Development

October 11, 2022, San Francisco, CA- Yeti Technologies, a leading software design and development firm, today announced the launch of “The Adventure of Inventing,” an entirely free, self-paced online master class with expert app design and development content that many professional development firms would charge clients tens of thousands of dollars to work through.

The class consists of video tutorials, how-to guides, exercises and checklists to help aspiring app creators understand how to develop an app and the processes they need to go through to create a successful end product.

The master class was developed by Yeti’s team of development experts and is currently broken up into three courses on UX design, product and project management and development. Each course is composed of video tutorials, how-to guides, checklists and other tools and resources.

“A lot of people reach out to us asking for help bringing their software ideas to life,” said Yeti CEO and Co-Founder, Tony Scherba. “The problem is that with limited resources most people are too early and do not have the financial resources to hire a full team to help them do the foundational steps of defining their ideas. To empower individuals that want access to the exercises and steps taken that could cost up to a hundred thousand dollars for an expert team to deploy we created this class so people could utilize these tools at their own pace.”

Scherba and the team at Yeti Technologies have been designing and developing apps for over a decade.

“The Adventure of Inventing courses were so enlightening,” said BOB, a recent master class graduate and business owner. “The amount of research that should be done into who your end user is really blowing me away but obviously makes so much sense. I’m thrilled to now have the tools and guides on how to do that research.”

New content and courses will be continuously added to the master class to help business leaders and anyone looking to develop an app understand even more about the design and development process.

To learn more about the master class or start one of the courses, visit

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