NMIMS Navi Mumbai Campus draws a seven-point roadmap to be accomplished in 3-5 years at SBM Convocation Ceremony- 2022
Mumbai, April 2022: SVKM’s NMIMS, School of Business Management (SBM), Navi Mumbai campus celebrated its 4th Convocation Day, which was graced by none-other than the Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment – Shri RamdasAthawale and Shri Aseem Srivastava, CEO McNally Sayaji. The ceremony also witnessed the presence of Shri Bharat Sanghvi, Trustee NMIMS and Nominee of Hon’ble Chancellor, and Dr. Sharad Mhaiskar, along with the faculty members, members of the board, staff members, and students.
On this joyous occasion, the campus announced the adoption to the new normal to the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) world and wholeheartedly embracing Agility and Quick Adaptability as the two pillars in its teaching, training and placement process. The Campus also announced a significant reform in the evaluation system from the usual knowledge-based model to a hybrid approach of problem solving and decision making model; involving whole brain thinking to shape smart managers.
Speaking at the Convocation ceremony Dr. Parthasarathi Mukherjee, Director, Navi Mumbai Campus, outlined a seven-point roadmap for the School of Business Management, Navi Mumbai Campus, that would be accomplished in the next three-five years. The seven-point roadmap includes:
- To focus on contemporary training programs and value-added workshops in new areas like Artificial intelligence (AI), Robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), Business Analytics, Data Science, and Blockchain technology.
- To increase student outreach through brainstorming and whole-brain thinking methodologies through Music, Sports, Yoga, and other social activities, catering to students’ overall physical and mental health.
- To invite many more Fortune 500 companies for Campus recruitment of world-class, industry-specific, real-world-ready students through placement opportunities.
- To change the evaluation methods drastically from the usual knowledge-based approach to a hybrid approach, incorporating the industrial real-word ‘problem-solution and decision making’ method to shape smart managers
- To expand the campus building structure from the current three lakh fifty thousand square feet to a massive ten lakh square feet-built area and increase the strength from the current 2,500 students to a projected 11,000 students
- To organize various social initiatives like Walkathons, Tree plantations, Save Water drives, Blood Donation camps, and create legal aid centers to serve the poor and needy and adopt a few villages for literacy education starting more computer learning centers in the ZP schools.
Also strengthening SFURTI partnership with Government of India for promotion of MSME industrial clusters.
- To sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with variousNGOs like Kotak Foundation, Rotary Club, Roti Bank and other management bodies like the Indian Merchant Chambers, various industrial organizations among others, to develop socially responsible professional managers.
Adding to this, Dr. Parthasarathi Mukherjee said, “India is a land of opportunities. However, to grab the right opportunity, you require a positive attitude, the right approach, and a focused goal which I believe India’s leading institute NMIMS SBM has taught their students how to build all of them. We at NMIMS always strive for our students to get the best value added education. We have engaged the best faculty, best pedagogy and curriculum along with finest learning environment. SBM Navi Mumbai campus nurture holistic management skills in students and making them physically, mentally and emotionally strong agile leaders.”
While addressing students at the Convocation ceremony, Shri RamdasAthawale, Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment, said, “The Central government has emphasized focus on higher education and technical learning. The Government of India has introduced coding in primary education and increased seats in higher and technical education colleges to attract more students to entrepreneurship. I understand that all of you have got good employment with Multinational or Nationally renowned companies. This marks the completion of one stage of your life, and the other is ready to be started. All of you are moving into the real corporate world to witness the thick and thin of life. However, I am sure the value system and training that NMIMS has provided in these two years will confidently help you face the world. I congratulate the NMIMS Management and Faculty for giving this country gems like you.”
Shri Aseem Srivastava, CEO McNally Sayaji., said, “Knowledge/ wisdom related will survive and thrive going forward. Around 47 percent of today’s jobs may be replaced with automation and artificial intelligence. But, managerial skills, financial and legal skills will survive. Most importantly, skills of the human mind, intellect, emotions etc. will thrive in this technology-driven world.”
SVKM’S NMIMS Navi Mumbai Campus adopts a student-centric approach and freedom for all as its mantra for high happiness index among students. Faculty at SBM are considered Mentors and Guides on whom the students and parents bestow their complete trust. The Campus has a 100% placement record, even during the pandemic and this is indeed a matter of pride for SBM and its students.
This Convocation Day will always be an occasion worth cherishing forever. The event will get inscribed in the bright minds of the students, who now have a holistic and well-developed perspective towards life and goals and will become responsible citizens of the world. Their relentless hard work and remarkable achievements during the academic year at NMIMS SBM will eventually pay off personally and professionally in their overall personality development.