Quote by Raveendra Bhat, Grundfos (Water Utility) for World Water Week 2024
Mr. Raveendra Bhat, Are Sales Director, Water Utility – INDO Region, Grundfos
“‘Bridging Borders – Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future’ is an apt theme for this year’s World Water Week, where we address that water is our shared resource connecting us beyond borders. Having a water-secure nation will pave the path for a sustainable and an energy-positive economy. Both water and energy are the basic foundation of a good economic development for any nation, we must hence focus on harnessing technology that can make governments and communities more future-ready. Countries such as India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Nepal have shown diverse needs and disparate usage patterns across vast geographies. To address the multiple challenges across borders, we must adopt water-cooperation as the principal approach. The water cooperation model must be rooted in scientific principles of water management, sharing of cutting-edge technologies and the collective acknowledgement that by advancing the flow of water, we are advancing the flow of life. As a leading manufacturer of intelligent pumping solutions, we at Grundfos are proud to lead the way in fashioning sustainable and energy-efficient solutions and making a water-wise future a reality.”