Ethiopians Hayle Lemi Berhanu and Anchialem Haymanot headline at the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024

Ethiopians Hayle Lemi Berhanu and Anchialem Haymanot headline at the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2024Chennai,06th January 2024:Defending champions and eventer cordholders Ethiopians Hayle Lemi Berhanu and Anchialem Haymanot will headline the 19thedition of the Tata Mumbai Marathon, a World Athletics Gold Label Road Race, scheduled on Sunday, the 21st January 2024.

Earlier this year, Berhanu clocked 2:07:32 and Haymanot logged an incredible 2:24:15 on her debut, to win in Mumbai with new event records. Later, Haymanot improved her timing to 2:22:23 in Amsterdam while finishing sixth where Berhanu posted a season-best 2:05:48tofinishatfifth.

Speaking about returning to the Tata Mumbai Marathon, Hayle Said“I wonthe2023editionof the Mumbai marathon under perfect conditions. It was indeed a surprise and un expected win at that time. But I want to make sure that I replicate my victory in January as I’ m confident of finishing on to pin 2024”.

However, it will not be an easy task for both runners to wrest their titles again in 2024.As many as six other men and two other women runners who had personal bests superior to the current Mumbai course record shaveen tered the fray to challenge the reigning champions.

The US $405,000 prize money event will witness some of the finest athletes take centre-stage at the Tata Mumbai Marathon. With equal prize money for men and women winners, the first three in each race stand tow in US$50,000,$25,000and$10,000.TheUSD15,000bonus also a waits those who break the existing event records.

Ethiopian Kinde Atanw (30), who is credited with a PB of 2:03:51–that he achieved whilewinningtheValenciaMarathonin2019–will be the leading name among the men. Incidentally, At anaw finished third during the World 10K in Bengaluru way back in 2014 on his previous appearance in India.

Lelisa Desisa, the 2019 World Champion, together with four fellow Ethiopian runners and Eritrean Merhawi Kesete will give Hayle Lemi a run for his money this time. Kesete finish ednin thin Mumbai in2020.

Desisa, who had his earlier appearances in India through the TCS World 10K Bengaluru, where he finished third in 2011, and Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon in three consecutive years(2010-2012, including a victory in 2010) is credited with the second-fastest time (2:04:45)among those men who entered for the 2024 race. On his numerous international ventures, Desisa also captured two Boston marathon wins besides a title victory in New York among the big ones.

The women’s line-up includes two Ethiopians and one Kenyan runner to make it tough for Anchialem in the upcoming race in Mumbai. Country-mates Tadelech Bekele, the 2018 London Marathon podium finisher, and Sofia Assefa–the2012London Olympics steeplechase silver medalist who clocked an impressive 2:23:33 on her marathon debut in Amsterdam this October will be the  main challenge  to the defending champion.

Speaking about returning to the Tata Mumbai Marathon, Anchialem Said “I ran my maiden marathon in Mumbai and wasluckytow in the race.Iameagertorepeatthefeatonceagainin2024”

Commenting on this year’ s field, Vivek Singh, Jt. MD. Procam International said, “The Tata Mumbai Marathon continues to attract some of the finest athletes in the world. It is also amatterofgreatpridetohaveourdefendingchampionsbackandthisyear,withKindeAtanaw& Tadelech Bekele we have one of the fastest fields we have ever had at the event. We are sure to have some scintillating action on the course.”

The Tata Mumbai Marathon is one of the designated marathon races to qualify for the up coming Paris Olympic Games.

International elite athletes for tmm 2024 


Name Nat PB
KindeAtanaw ETH 2:03:51
HayleLemi ETH 2:04:33
LelisaDesisa ETH 2:04:45
HaymanotAlew ETH 2:05:57
GebretsadikAbraha ETH 2:06:08
MerhawiKesete ERI 2:06:36
YohansMekasha ETH 2:07:19
MitkuTafa ETH 2:08:18
DicksonKiptoo KEN 2:08:31
JoshuaKogo KEN 2:08:39
MeseleKiros ETH Debut
DemekeTesfaye ETH Debut


Name Nat PB
AnchialemHaymanot ETH 2:22:23
TadelechBekele ETH 2:21:40
SofiaAssefa ETH 2:23:33
ZenebuBihonegn ETH 2:24:16
MuluhabtTsega ETH 2:24:23
AyantuGemechuAbdi ETH 2:24:45
AberashFayisa ETH 2:24:59
MulugojamBirhan ETH 2:27;52
MedhinBeyene ETH 2:28:59
MarituKetema ETH 2:30:56
AberashDemisse ETH 2:40:43
AyinadisTeshome ETH Debut
AberashMinsewo ETH Debut


Name Nat
BenardCheptoch UGA
LuukMaas NED
DawitBelachew ETH
TilahunAmsalu ETH
LevyKibet UGA
SelamihunFenta ETH
DominicNgeno KEN

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