February 14, 2025

Dholera SIR Propels Forward with Landmark Real Estate Auction Success

Gandhinagar, 01st December 2023: Dholera Industrial City Development Limited (DICDL) achieved a significant milestone by completing the firstever land auction for a real estate plot in Dholera SIR. The competitive bid is won by the joint venture of M/S Gap Associates Private Limited & BMS Projects Private Limited and SUN Realty Partnership. DICDL is India’s first platinum-rated Greenfield Industrial Smart City, with the largest land parcels in Southeast Asia. 

Speaking about this successful land auction, a senior official of the Dholera SIR stated, “We are thrilled to announce a noteworthy boost to the social infrastructure through the successful completion of our first EAuction for a real estate plot. This marks a historic chapter in Dholera‘s development, representing an initial investment in the real estate sector. Dholera SIR already boasts world-class infrastructure, setting an example for the world. This success ensures the residential development required for industries keen to establish manufacturing units at Dholera. This success instils confidence and sets a high standard, reinforcing Dholera SIR‘s position as a prime destination for strategic investments in the real estate sector. 

He added, “A significant 228 acres of land within the SIR region have been dedicated to tourism and recreational activities. This will accelerate the economic development and further boost region’s infrastructure.” 

In the past, Dholera SIR accomplished the first successful land auction of a hotel plot. 

Dholera SIR had issued an EAuction notice of a plot for Residential Development in TP Scheme 2A within Dholera SIR in the High Access Corridor Zone within the Activation Area (T.P. Scheme no. 2 A – FP No. 297 (Part)) for Multistory Residential/Mixed Use development. Four of the several submitted online applications were determined to be eligible. This would be the first plot allotted to the real estate sector in the region, which has become a key location for business and urban development.

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