February 18, 2025
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Department of Community Medicine, AIMSR, hosts Decennial Celebrations with a CME on ‘Latest updates in public health’!

Hyderabad, May  2022: Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (AIMSR) commemorated the Decennial Celebrations of the Department of Community Medicine, by hosting a one day Continued Medical Education (CME) programme on ‘Latest updates in public health’, today. The CME was inaugurated by guest of Honor, Dr. Neeraj Agarwal, Medical Superintendent; Professor & Head, Community and Family Medicine, AIIMS, Bibinagar; by lighting a lamp followed by a graceful dance ‘Gananathaya’ – offered to Lord Ganesh.

The focus of the programme was on Pandemic impact on infectious diseases, latest updates in cancer research, evidence-based guidelines to promote Cardio metabolic Health, Post Pandemic Mental Health Wellbeing and application of statistics in public health. Quiz and public health video competition was also conducted for the Post Graduate students from all over Telangana.

Dr. Neeraj spoke about the evolution of the Pandemic and its mitigation measures. The chief speakers were Dr. Suneeta Narreddy, Infectious Disease Specialist, Apollo Hospitals; Dr. Subha Narayan Rath, Head Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology and B K Vasantha Lakshmi, Senior Faculty of Brahma Kumaris; Dr. Suneeta spoke about TB elimination and the hurdles posed by the pandemic. Dr. Subha Narayan Rath focused on the role of science and technology in cancer research. Other luminaries of Apollo Medical College Ms. Aparna Reddy (COO), Dr. Vijay Mohan Reddy (DMS), Dr. Snigdha Pattnaik (Prof and Head) along with faculties of Dept of Community Medicine organized the scientific session to propagate latest knowledge among faculty, post graduates and interns.

Postgraduates from all over Telangana took part in Quiz and Public Health Video competition. All the Post graduate students and delegates actively participated in the quiz competition. Post Graduate students from Osmania Medical College won the first in the Quiz Competition. Second and Third Prizes were awarded to Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal and Gandhi Medical College respectively. Gandhi Medical College won the award for best video with public health message. The video focused on the food and water scarcity that the people on earth are likely to face in near future. The competition was based on the World Health Day 2022 theme “Our Planet Our Health.”

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