September 8, 2024

GlossAi’s Rapid Innovation: 48-Hour Development Yields Groundbreaking AI Tech for IDF and Private Sector

Tel Aviv, Israel, December 30, 2023– GlossAi, Creators of the video-AI generative, repurposing, and enrichment technologies, worked with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to analyze footage captured from hundreds of sources using advanced video-AI technologies developed in just 48 hours. In collaboration with Kaltura and Blueskai, the companies are helping analyze the large wave of videos collected from homes, businesses, and body cameras to undergo AI-driven review and identify aspects that the human eye can’t detect.

Following the October 7th attacks in Israel, one of the immediate tasks was to collect all relevant video documentation from CCTV and body cams and begin piecing together what had occurred. Current available technologies struggled to keep up with the high volumes of footage, which included images or outlines that may be imperceivable upon initial review by authorities. GlossAi was approached by a team of Israeli technology companies to assist in enhancing initial video reviews with Video-AI capabilities to help categorize items within the footage and with a rapid cadence. Recognizing the critical need, GlossAi initiated their existing technology, while also developing entirely new capabilities that would help them scale the analysis of the raw videos specifically within Kaltura’s ‘iWitness710’ platform.

“We were happy to be in the right place at the right time. Having put such great effort into perfecting our capabilities, the team was eager to put it to this cause,” said Co-Founder & CEO Ofer Familier. “Usually, our work includes content repurposing and enrichment for social channels, marketing campaigns, and turning videos into consumer-friendly content– so we immediately got to work on understanding how what we have can be used for the project’s defined parameters. While we knew it was possible, the team’s eagerness to work together and get this out created amazing results that helped our country.”

Challenges while meeting this capability included a lack of precedence, time-to-market urgency, and having team members exposed to horrifying footage of the massacre that happened in familiar communities.

“We are already seeing the implications of how organizations are using this technology to process videos en masse,” said Adi Paz, Co-founder and VP of R&D at GlossAi. “While we would usually begin wondering about future use cases, right now, we are focused on perfecting the technology to assist this greater effort further.” Together with Kaltura, Blueskai, and others, this group of companies’ efforts in creating a living archive of events represents a breakthrough in how we review, analyze, and preserve events.

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