September 19, 2024

Exploring the Significance of Fragile Poles: Khul Ke Welcomes Pankaj Saran and Dr.ThambanMeloth as Speakers

Exploring the Significance of Fragile Poles: Khul Ke Welcomes Pankaj Saran and Dr.ThambanMeloth as SpeakersPune/Mumbai: The events occurring at the Earth’s Poles have a significant impact on our daily lives. The behavior of the Indian Monsoon, to some extent, relies on the happenings at both poles. Moreover, the Himalayan ice cover, often referred to as the third pole, greatly influences India’s economy. To mark World Environment Day (June 5, 2023) Khul Ke, the premier social networking platform dedicated to fostering insightful conversations, proudly announces its series of exclusive RoundTable discussions on the relevance of fragile poles to India’s national interests. The discussions feature distinguished speakers, including Pankaj Saran, Former Deputy National Security Advisor of India, and Dr.ThambanMeloth, Director of the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa.

This conversation with Pankaj Saran, who brings invaluable expertise from his tenure as a diplomat and in the National Security Advisor’s office, is a rare and insightful exchange on a topic seldom explored by public officials.

Speaking on the underlying concerns clouding the Arctic and Antarctic region, Saran shared, ‘Salience of both has increased for us from a strategic point of view. As far as the Arctic is concerned, the main change we see is the Arctic icelandmelting and global warming and that is changing everyone’s calculations. The Antarctic is a treaty-driven region but there is also the whole question of militarization and rapacious utilization of resources gathering speed.’India has established its presence in Antarctica since 1981 and has erected two enduring research stations, Bharathi and Maitri, as a symbolic representation of India’s national flag waving proudly at the poles.

‘Last year the government of India actually acknowledged the importance of both these. By firstly, the parliament enacting the Antarctica Law which was long pending, and secondly the government, the cabinet committee, and security enacting the Arctic policy. Both these documents today provide a good legal base and foundation for us to take the next step for looking at the whole area of Polar study from a multi-disciplinary and intersectoral point of view’, he added.

He also shared, ‘Firstly, to have your [India’s] own independent assessment of the reserves, the ability to mine it and the ability to transport keeping in mind, the Arctic region countries are very sensitive about the ecology and the environment, it’s important we work in close coordination with them. The only thing is that they do not regard India as a threatening power, but they do see China as one. Our biggest advantage is that we come in with a lot of goodwill and have a lot of record of being a responsible nation, both in terms of behaviour and abiding by the rules.’

In another RoundTable discussion, Dr.ThambanMeloth, renowned as the Director of the National Center for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa emphasizes the importance of studying Antarctica for India. He passionately advocates for Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Antarctica, highlighting the scientific and geopolitical significance of the region and its potential impact on India’s national interests.

‘In 2022, we came with India’s Arctic policy which is a very strong document in which clearly tells the world we are serious people who protect the environment. Now in 2022, Indian Parliament passed the bill on Antarctic bill. Now the Indian Antarctic Act is already there. So this means that the Indian government is serious about how do we deal with Antarctica and how we are a responsible nation. I feel it’s only just a matter of time when the top Indian leadership also visit Antarctica and give a strong message’, shared Dr.Meloth.

‘Arctic sea ice is the one which controls the Indian monsoons, especially during the late monsoon season in terms of rainfall, and therefore has a huge significance in terms of our climate. Antarctica is also important for India because India and Antarctica were together in some in the past, both were in a geological embrace. So there are a lot of things that happen in Antarctica and India – have a lot of similarities, he added.

These exclusive discussions on Khul Ke bring together influential voices and experts, fostering an informed and engaging dialogue on the complex issues surrounding fragile poles and their relevance to India. By facilitating these discussions, Khul Ke aims to provide a platform for thought-provoking conversations that contribute to a deeper understanding of these crucial topics.

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