Esaf Celebrates 31st Anniversary


Kochi, Chennai, 16.03.2023: Renowned social development organization ESAF has commemorated its 31st Foundation Day. Shaji K. V, Chairman, NABARD, inaugurated the event. “Similar to NABARD, ESAF has contributed much to enhance the creditworthiness of the people in backward areas. The achievements of ESAF have been truly remarkable,” he said. K. Paul Thomas, Founder, MD & CEO, of ESAF Small Finance Bank, delivered the Foundation Day message.

Shaji K.V. was also honored at the ceremony for being the first Keralite who took over as the Chairman of NABARD. Adv. K. Rajan, Revenue Minister, Kerala, P. Balachandran, MLA, Thrissur, Mereena Paul, Executive Director, ESAF Foundation, and R. Billy, Vice President, ESAF Foundation, also spoke on the occasion.

Awards for the Best Co-operative Societies were also distributed during the event. Valakavu Ksheera Vyavasaya Co-operative Society and Kulumai Milk Producer Company won the Best Co-operative Societies Award. Jai Sardar Krishi Vikas Farmer Producer Company of Maharashtra also received a special jury mention at the event. Handing Over ceremony of houses built by ESAF Co-operative and felicitation of employees who completed 10 years of service in ESAF also took place during the event.

ESAF Bank’s sixth anniversary was also celebrated eventfully. Vijay Kumar Nayak, Chief General Manager, of the Reserve Bank of India, inaugurated the event. P. R. Ravimohan, Chairman, ESAF Small Finance Bank, K. Paul Thomas, MD & CEO, ESAF Small Finance Bank, Dr. Gopakumaran Nair, Chief General Manager, NABARD, Ajayan M. G., Director, ESAF Small Finance Bank, and George Thomas, George K. John, Hari Velloor and Hemant Tamta, Executive Vice Presidents, ESAF Small Finance Bank, also spoke on the occasion.

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