Engineer’s Day Quotes | Ennoventure Inc and NowPurchase
Shalini V Nair, Co-Founder and Board Director, Ennoventure Inc – ”Engineering has been the cornerstone of the immeasurable progress we’ve made as a country, as well as globally. While technology moves ahead, engineers are the first to build on it, and execute visionary ideas. At Ennoventure Inc, we understand the value of the scientific temper that engineering gives and are grateful to have worked with many who have contributed to taking our company onwards and upwards. This Engineering Day, we salute all the hardworking engineers who can truly realize the visions of technological advancement and bring them to the people.”
Mr. Naman Shah, CEO and Founder, NowPurchase – ‘Engineering is not just about a degree, but a creative, problem-solving mindset, that comes up with new ways to design, construct, analyze, and improve intricate physical or digital systems.
With the breakneck speed of innovation and a steady flow of change in the technological universe, this year’s Engineering Day is particularly meaningful to me and to my team at NowPurchase. Constant innovation in tech means that engineers must keep themselves up to date with current trends and future projections in the field. No matter how long an engineer has been in the field, it is important to be a learner for life. On this day, we celebrate everyone who aspires to be problem-solvers among us & those who have made vast contributions to engineering through their work and are still eagerly learning as they go.”